About The Genesys

The Genesys is a free newsletter about Growth Marketing, Solopreneurship, and Lifestyle Design.

Level up your skills in startup Product Marketing, Content, Growth, and Go-to-Market, and learn how to harness this knowledge to work for yourself as a solopreneur — whether that’s as an advisor, content creator, or similar — all while designing the lifestyle that fits your passions.

Quick facts

  • New posts: Every 31st of the month to respect your schedule

  • Who it’s for: Marketing and Growth advisors, operators, VPs, and founders

  • Cost: Free

Core topics

  • Growth & GTM: How to set up, launch, and grow your startup

  • Solopreneurship: How to build your career, brand, and income as a solopreneur

  • Lifestyle Design: Heuristics to design the lifestyle you want in the 2020s

About the Author

Hey, I'm Matteo 👋

I’m a growth marketing operator with 9 years of experience growing early- and growth-stage startups.

I've worked with over 25+ startups — from pre-seed to IPO stage — in B2B, consumer, and Web3. I've been multiple times founding marketer, setting up marketing functions from the ground up in teams large (Fiverr), small (Qatalog), and hypergrowth (On Deck).

In 2022, I founded Genesys Growth to help founders and VPs devise and execute GTM and growth strategies.

I also write the HyperGrowth Partners newsletter, co-authoring growth playbooks with leaders from Vercel, Segment, Shopify, Atlassian, and more. Check it out below.

I was born and raised in Rome and lived in Milan, Sydney, and Madrid during my 20s. After my Econ and Business studies, I landed in London and started working in tech.

I geek out on biohacking, psychology, and personal growth, and I always strive to find a balance between work and the rest of my life. When not at work, you can find me keeping my Japanese Duolingo streak, meditating, or raving on the latest Afterlife techno EP.

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| GTM & growth advisor for early-stage startups | Solopreneur @genesysgrowth | Duolingo streak keeper 🇯🇵 | Ex @fiverr @beondeck @qatalog